Potholes: The Bane to a Motorist’s Existence Jan 08, 2014 Auto News Dwayne Mullins damagedangerpotholevehicle The pothole. Not only is the pothole dangerous, but it can be devastatingly expensive. Potholes occur when there is a failure in an asphalt pavement due to existing water in the underlying soil that weakens the supporting soil and the presence of traffic. The problem seems to exacerbate with the changing of the seasons. In particular, this extremely cold winter in Michigan seems to have made the problem worse than the average winter. We at Grosse Pointe Auto Repair want to equip you with some tips on how to avoid getting trapped by a pothole. The first tip is to slow down. This helps with the visibility of the potholes and the reaction time to avoid them. Especially at night and when there is water on the road, try to slow down. Water in potholes make pothole tricky. You have no idea if the pothole is 2 inches deep or 12 inches deep. The second tip is to be aware. If you have a tendency to take the same route every day to work, to the gym, to the grocery store, or to get home, survey the surrounding roadways. Knowledge is power. This will help you in identifying where the potholes are, especially when you are driving at night. As horrible as the roadways are in Michigan, be cautious. Road crews are out in full force attempting to rectify the situation. Unfortunately, man power cannot outrun nor keep up with the power of mother-nature. Please be patient. Should you run into a problem with a pothole, Grosse Pointe Auto Repair is here to rescue you from pothole damage. Please visit us at www.grossepointeauto.com for all your auto repair needs.